Rise of the Guardians Wiki
Ombric Relationship Quotes

This page contains a list of quotes said by Ombric.

Nicholas St. North and the Battle of the Nightmare King[]

  • "No lessons today. You should return to your homes- now."
  • "To understand pretending, is to conquer all barriers of time and space."
  • "I suggest, given current events, that the safest place for the chlidren to sleep this night is Big Root. An ancient evil has awakened- and I must tell you more. Come."
  • "Tonight we find ourselves at the center of an ancient war."
  • "Look at our Moon. It was not always there to light our night. A war brought it to us- a war with the Nightmare King."
  • "Pitch has returned. We've seen the proof."
  • "It can't get out. The glass is made from star sand, like the windows in Big Root."
  • "It is true, I know many things. But this is beyond even my abilities. I am certain of only this: We are strong. We are brave. But we will need help. The children will sleep here tonight where they are safest."
  • "Did Lunar send that glowing boy?"
  • "No? Most interesting. Now return to your home, young solider. Tell Tsar Lunar what you've seen. Send what help you can."
  • "I have every hope."
  • "Not as long as there is breath in this old wizard!"
  • "Thank you for remembering."
  • "The wounded stranger helped save us. It would be rude to not return the favor."
  • "I asked the Man in the Moon for help. He gave you the dream. He thought you could be of assistance."
  • "Perhaps he thought the King of the Bandits would be a worthy foe for the Nightmare King. But I suspect it was more than that."
  • "Face the facts, my young friend. The forest that surrounds our village can clear a path only for the good of heart. You alone rejected the gold the Spirit of the Forest offered you. That never would have happened with a real bandit."
  • "No wizard or spirit has the power to change the human heart."
  • "I was too precious with this place. Kept too much of the harshness of life from making its way in."
  • "Knowledge without wisdom, can get a bit messy."
  • "Mix the old and new with great caution. Remember, Nicholas, there can be dangers in the unknown."
  • "Admirable piece of work. Well built and wisely conceived. It will be of great use for our journey. Nicholas, pack your things and ready your djinni! We leave on a mission of greatest importance at dawn."
  • "No, my girl. You must stay here. I expect you to help the bear and Petrov protect the village while we are gone."
  • "Clever lad."
  • "What do you think, Apprentice? Should she journey with us? Or stay, as I suggest?
  • "The boy us brave but unruly. He may never make a proper wizard."
  • "I once packed an entire mountain and castle in it. A problem I've never been able to solve. But that's why your djinni will come in most handy. I assume it can handle the load? Then we must rest, for we leave at first light."
  • "We are ready, I suppose?"
  • "Doubly clever you are, Nicholas, but I have studied Master da Vinci too."
  • "Da Vinci were good friends, you know. However, his design never worked properly."
  • "Head twenty degrees to the west!"
  • "The base of that peak- that's the place. Land there, Djinni!"
  • "Indeed it is, Nicholas. We'll find what we seek hidden under tons of rock and snow. But thanks to you, we have the djinni to dig it out."
  • "Djinni, retract your airship and prepare to dig."
  • "It's quite risky. One can never be entirely sure what the body may be up to while the mind is out and about, it depletes one's energy rather severely. I'll be hungry for months now."
  • "What circumstances could possibly be more extraordinary than these?! Pitch is here! His hordes are on the other side of these peaks! The sworn enemy of your master has returned armed to the teeth and means to make something considerably more than mischief!!!!"
  • "Nightlight, indeed."
  • "Most unsubtle bit of conjuring. More like something you, Nicholas, would have done in your early days... I could have accidentally hurt someone- one of the reindeer or even young Katherine. Can't imagine what got into me."
  • "Harumph."
  • "You know, a daydream properly utilized can be the most powerful force in the universe. One need only dream of freedom to begin to break the spell of enslavement."
  • "I told you once there was no magic in the world that can change a human heart. You've proven me wrong, my young friend."
  • "There is no place on Earth where the light is as bright and clear as in the Himalayan Mountains. No other place is as close to the Moon. Why, we're on the highest spot in the world!"
  • "Those in the outside world call them Abominable Snowmen, but the Lamas refer to them as Yetis."
  • "I must remember to notate these geese in my notebooks."
  • "Tsar Lunar!"
  • "You are my apprentice no more. You have learned all the lessons I can teach and have more than earned this."

E. Aster Bunnymund and the Warrior Eggs at the Earth's Core![]

  • "First things first. Tell me, has anyone had a nightmare?"
  • "Then everything is as it was and as it should be, I knew everything would be in order in the capable hands of Mr. Qwerty."
  • "Tall William, I do believe you've gotten seven-eighths of an inch taller."
  • "Sascha, I hear you've figured out how to climb trees faster than a squirrel."
  • "Ingenious."
  • "To answer your question,young William, these boxes are presents from North. There is one for each of you. Each is exactly the same... until you pick it up."
  • "That gift is special. It's for all of you and should be opened last."
  • "Now, think of a thing you would like, and it will be yours."
  • "That one is from Katherine."
  • "Katherine has written a story about our adventures since we left you. She misses you all and wishes she could tell you in person, but until then, her book will tell you the story. Now, before we start, we must begin with the first spell I ever taught you. Do you remember?"
  • "I've been working on something that might help us."
  • "Good thing they'd learned to levitate solid rock back then or they would never have finished the thing. Odd, though, that it was once topped with egg-shaped stone."
  • "Most dinosaurs are really very friendly creatures. But those rex fellows, Tyrannosaurus? A bit snappy when hungry."
  • "I'm going to travel back to the moment when Pitch attack the Moon, I'll be able to see exactly where the relics fell. Finding them is our best hope of defeating him."
  • "I was back in time, just before the last battle of the Golden Age, I could see Pitch's ship hiding on the dark side of Earth, lying in wait to attack the Moon. Suddenly, it occurred to me to warn the Man in the Moon and his family. I hoped to stop this whole history before it could even begin. But I sensed someone standing next to me. I turned to look, and there, to my utter amazement, floating beside me, was a most curious fellow. He was at least seven feet, wearing robes of a most peculiar design, and holding a long staff with an egg-shaped jewel at one end."
  • "He did indeed. One word, which he repeated: 'Naughty. Naughty.'"
  • "Not quite. He touched my shoulder with the jeweled egg, and I suddenly found myself back here!"
  • "I left out perhaps the strangest part. The fellow's ears... They were the ears of a gigantic rabbit."
  • "If I am not mistaken, this Rabbit man, as you call him, is a Pooka- the rarest and most mysterious creature in the universe."
  • "They are among the oldest creatures in creation, so little is known about them and even less understood. It is said that they oversee the health and well-being of planets."
  • "You know him? It?"
  • "I thought I invented chocolate!"
  • "I'm going time traveling. At least the past is certain. That much I do know."
  • "Good!"
  • "And I have new questions."
  • "And right speedily."
  • "Where is the craft?"
  • "My dear, give the order."
  • "She's Pitch's daughter. I saw him holding it, back in time, before he became evil." - to Katherine, when she asked about the locket.
  • "No books and no children. And where is Mr. Qwerty?"
  • "The diamond dagger was shattered! All is strangeness."
  • "I find no evidence of a vanishing spell. No magic was used. The books still exist- somewhere."
  • "He's taken them to the Earth's core! That's where Pitch obtained the lead. His saber and cloak are made with it!"
  • "Lead found at the core of Earth has been there since the planet was first formed. It has never known light - of any kind - so no light can penetrate it. It absorbs it. That's how Pitch was able to attack Nightlight and the moonbeam. He stole some of their light."
  • "Pitch needs all the spells and enchantments in my volumes to become more powerful. To become, perhaps, invincible. But, somehow, the library disappeared before he could get it. And that's the part I can't make heads or tails of."
  • "Exactly! That's the puzzlement."
  • "That is a journey no man has ever made."
  • "Why, it's a map of Earth! We must go to Easter Island!"
  • "Yes! The legend says that's where the Pooka lives."
  • "How do you plan to do that?"
  • "Let's take things one at a time, shall we? Perhaps Katherine is right, and the animals can tell us what became of my books. But an enslavement spell this powerful can't be reversed quickly. It needs to be done carefully and well. It's the work of many, many hours."
  • "Some of these spells are trickier than others. If I wait too long, I fear this spell could be irreversible. There are no two ways about it. I'll have to stay behind in Santoff Claussen, and you'll have to continue on to Easter Island."
  •  "The Pooka, if he can be found, will be able to lead you to the Earth's core, Pooka lore indicates that he has a series of tunnels that span the interior of the globe."
  • "By the time you reach Pitch, I expect to have restored our friends here and discovered the whereabouts of my library."
  • "The student reinterprets the teacher's lesson. Well done."
  • "Even I once was caught by Pitch in such a spell."
  • "What happened to the books in my library? Where are they?"
  • "Yes." "Nicholas St. North and Katherine are on their way to the Earth's core even now, I will do my utmost to find the books Pitch covets, and when I do, they'll make the exchange. But I must know where the books are."
  • "And yet all the books disappeared before Pitch could get to them."
  • "Teeth marks! Those are teeth marks!"
  • "Teeth marks! But whose teeth marks?"
  • "Who would eat my books? Nightlight had some hand in it, I'm sure, but what...,"
  • "MR. QWERTY! MR. QWERTY!! MR. QWERTY!!! Mr. Qwerty has eaten my books! To keep them out of Pitch's hands!"
  • "Was Nightlight holding anything when Pitch took him away? (Moonbeam: Yes) Was it white? Rather oblong? About the size of my hand? (Moonbeam pulsed twice) That's it! Mr. Qwerty ate the books! Then he wrapped himself in a cocoon! Nightlight's flash of light protected the children and gave Mr. Qwerty time to eat the books. The little fellow was always hungry for knowledge, but this is epic! Nightlight took Mr. Qwerty! He has him still. The library is in Mr. Qwerty's stomach. Right under Pitch's nose..."
  • "I believe. I believe. I believe."
  • "How bad is it, lad?"
  • "So how exactly does the chocolate transform you, Bunnymund?"
  • "I think it does."

Toothiana: Queen of the Tooth Fairy Armies[]

  • "Well done, Nicholas. I see great things in store for your little men."
  • "Perhaps the children are correct, and the battle at the Earth's core was truly was Pitch's last battle/"
  • "It's now been eight months since we last saw Pitch. I think before we declare victory, it would be best to consult with the Man in the Moon. And that means a journey to-"
  • "Outstanding. We'll take the whole village- everyone is welcome! It'll be a grand adventure. We'll plan a celebration tomorrow evening to see us off!"
  • "But where did the first egg come from, if the chicken did not exist?"
  • "Have you ever met the Lunar Lamas?"
  • "Indeed. Um... yes... well... all right... That must be how they knew to point us in your direction when we sought the relic. They would tell us only-"
  • "I like you too, Bunnymund."
  • "Greetings, my good friends. We've come to speak to the Man in the Moon... and to report what we think is historic news."
  • "Tsar Lunar, we've scoured the Earth for Pitch and found no trace of him. Can you tell us, has he truly been defeated?"
  • "I've read something about her once, I believe-"
  • "Of course! I should have remembered that myself, Mr. Qwerty, please enlighten us."
  • "Perhaps if you chant the ancient Atlantan phrase 'Sleep-o deep-o slumberly doo-'"
  • "Is that creature the Monkey King?"
  • "The King of the Monkeys claims he is much too clever to fall for our tricks."
  • "You are indeed clever, Maharaja, but not as clever as you think you are. Who sent you to kidnap our friend?"
  • "Who would dare do such a thing to such a clever Monkey King?"
  • "We'll come with you. Together our power is mighty."
  • "But whose tooth is it?"
  • "Astounding! Toothiana has one of the five relics."
  • "Pitch could make much mischief if he were able to use that relic- maybe even harness the power of the flying elephant"
  • "Come, it's time to leave the queen to her helpers. She's suffered a terrible injury and needs time to recover."
  • "We know his plan!"
  • "Pitch will be watching the skies. If we come from both air and underground, we may surprise him."
  • "He told me that once he grew an extra head."
  • "Nicholas, we have what we need. Brave hearts. And sharp minds. And as you might recall, we always abandon our plans and end up doing things we never imagined."
  • "Our relics won't have the same effect on creatures of flesh and blood."
  • "Enough! Enough! We are beaten, Pitch!"
  • "What is it you seek, Pitch?"
  • "If only they could help."
  • "She has another name, apparently. By some she's known as Mother Nature."
  • "We were no better than Pitch. Perhaps worse."

The Sandman and the War of Dreams[]

  • "Is someone casting spells?"
  • "It's like the falling sand from a thousand hourglasses."
  • "Or he's playing some sort of game."
  • "This dream must be made real! For Katherine's sake and for the good of all."
  • "Guardians! Place your relics together, my friends. The mission will require all of our powers!"
  • "Will this work without the final relics?"
  • "It's still not powerful enough!"
  • "Nicely done, my boy."
  • "The Moon. After we save Katherine, we'll go meet the Man in the Moon together."
  • "Just when things seemed to be going so well."
  • "We'll meet whatever comes. For now, let's bask in the victory of friends reunited!"
  • "The hazards of Yeti cooking."
  • "Such remarkable sand, I am ashamed I didn't recognize it at once."