E. Aster Bunnymund | Relationship | Quotes |
This page contains Quotes said Bunnymund in Rise of the Guardians and The Guardians of Childhood.
Rise of the Guardians[]
- "Say what? I'm a bunny."
- "The-the what? What did you call me? I am not a kangaroo, mate." "I'm a bunny. The Easter Bunny. People Believe in me'."
- [to North] "Where are the bloody seatbelts?"
- [to Jack] "Oh, rack off, ya bloody show pony!"
- "You don't want to race a rabbit, mate."
- Ho, Ho, Ho!"
- [to Jack's collection of teeth] "you call that a bag of choppers?" [Hold up larger sack] "Now that's a bag of choppers!"
- [About Jamie] "Sandy, knock him out." [Sandy makes a fist at Jamie] "With the dreamsand, y'gumbie!"
- [To a yeti about the eggs he's painting] "Too Christmas-y, mate. Paint 'em blue."
- "Happy Easter."
- "They can't see me. They can't see me."
- Easter is new beginnings. New life. Easter's about hope, and now, it's gone...
- Oh yeah, come on. Oh crickey!
- [running away from Nightmares] "I'm just a bunny."
- [to two Nightmares] G'day, mate. [destroys them with his boomerangs]
- [After Sandy is resurrected] "Mate, you are a sight for sore eyes!"
- [Repeating North] "Everyone loves the sleigh."
- Bunny: [to Jack] "He has to go"
- Jack: "What?"
- Bunny: "We should NEVER have trusted you!" [Bunny prepares to punch Jack; Jack backs away fearfully. Bunny drops his arm, dejected.] Easter is new beginnings. New Life. Easter's about hope. and now its gone..."
Guardians of Childhood[]
E. Aster Bunnymund and the Warrior Eggs at the Earth's Core![]
- "I am E. Aster Bunnymund, I've been expecting you."
- "There is a time for everything, and everything is in its time."
- "Yes and no. I have and haven't. Maybe. Maybe not. I did, however, have an inking."
- "I am neither a rabbit nor a man. I am a Pooka. The name is Bunnymund. E. Aster Bunnymund, to be precise."
- "Dear fellow, this will be more difficult than I imagined. Drastic measures are required."
- "I haven't done the Pookan mind meld in centuries. I didn't know you and the girl knew how."
- "I'd say Pitch is making a tactical change in his plans."
- "One of us goes forward to investigate while the other watches his back?"
- "Now, get going, my friend; you wanted Pitch to yourself."