Rise of the Guardians Wiki
Rise of the Guardians Wiki
Snow Globe
General Information
Full name(s) North's Snow Globe
Location North's Workshop
Manufacturer(s) Nicholas St. North
Type Magical Snow Globe
Usage Takes the user to any place in the world in seconds
Owner(s) Nicholas St. North
Production Information
Appearances Rise of the Guardians

North's Snow Globes are mystical items that were used to travel the world. North used the Snow Globe as a way of teleporting from city to city, even Continent to Continent. It helps him to deliver his Christmas presents in one day.


The Snow Globe gives the user the way of teleporting to any parts of the world in seconds.


  1. To used the Snow Globe, just tell the Snow Globe the places you like to visit. A picture of the said place will appear in the Snow Globe.
  2. Just throw the Snow Globe and it will shatter.
  3. A portal will once appear and you can just jump into the portal before it closes.


Guardians G symbol
  • If a Snow Globe was used, it cannot be re-used again. North always carried more than one for this reason.
  • When Sophie got her little hands on one of these globes, she glanced at Bunny and got excited. Somehow the globe reacted to her feelings by becoming a portal to the Warren when she dropped it and was transported there as a result. This implies one does not have to actually know or have been to the destination in mind, rather they think of something and the globe can take you to where that something is or lives. She also said "bunny, hop, hop, hop" indicating that it took her to the place most tied to Bunnymund when she accidentally used it.
  • Like with the sleigh, Bunny prefers using his own tunnels over the snow globes, refusing the yetis offer to go with them.
  • The portal may not instantly transport the traveler from one place to another as Bunny had enough time to get from Burgess to the North Pole and into North's Workshop to greet Jack before he arrived despite leaving seconds earlier than the yetis using the portal. Also, Tooth had enough time to get from North's Workshop to her palace and fight a battle despite it being in Asia while North and the other Guardians used a portal and North's Sleigh to get there.
  • North refers to the snowglobes as a "shortcut."
  • When the portal is seen in the air from the side, it appears as a giant tunnel with an opening that the sleigh flies into. This may just be the type used by the sleigh as the ground portals are not seen like this and appear as just an opening that the user steps into.