Rise of the Guardians Wiki

Dreams, sweet dreams, be in the sand you hold. They banish all the darkling fears and fill the night with gold

—Mermaids, to Sandman

A mermaid is a legendary aquatic creature with the upper body of a human and the tail of a fish. They live in the Island of the Sleepy Sands, where the Sandman lives. 


The mermaids are lovely creatures with long hair and a dress made of their own scale that connects with the fish tail.


The mermaids are curious but caring and motherly creatures.

The Guardians of Childhood[]

The mermaids came from the sea as they were enthralled by Sandy's Dreamsand. And from that moment on they were determined to help their little friend.[1]

During Sandman's restless night, they sang him a lullaby and soon Sandy found himself dreaming of ways to help the Children of Earth.[2]


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